Other Blogs, Other Rosh Hashana Posts: Honey and Apple Cakes

Chocolate Applesauce Cake

Here are just some apple and honey cake posts that I like:

Creative Jewish Mom: Whole Wheat Apple Cake
Chanie: a honey cake that has the moist texture of Hershey’s chocolate cake, with caramelized apples on top
Leah Cooks Kosher: amazing looking honey and apple cakes from a professional caterer, here, here and here
More Quiche, Please Apple Spice Cake (mmmm . . . apple and spices and whole wheat and a yummy drizzle topping)
Nechama’s honey cake
IlanaDavita has honey-apple cake that sounds good, too.

They all sound so good . . . but, I still made my honey cake, plus my Grandma’s Chocolate Applesauce Cake, and I am making my Apple Breton. I find it so hard to veer away from what I make every year when it comes to Rosh Hashana. But the above recipes are really tempting.

Some other ideas from my blog:

Dorie Greenspan Apple Cake, made gluten-free

Fall Apple cake

And some fun with puff pastry: Cook Kosher’s Apple Pockets and Shoshana offers apple and honey turnovers

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