Parsha Dessert: Tetzaveh

I am kind of tired of just doing cakes for the parsha (hence the pizza last week). Here is a parsha dessert idea that could have come from the Jello Mold Mistress of Brooklyn.

For Parshat Tetzaveh, I made a Choshen HaMishpat. It isn’t so clear what the colors are supposed to be, but I did my best.  I wish I had found this page first! I would have done the colors differently. It would also have been better to have made the background a mix of red, blue, gold, and white (instead of beige with gold flecks). Oh, well. Next time.

Here is how I made it: prepare kosher gelatin or ko-jel with apple juice (or grape juice, or any fruit juice that is the color you want). Ideally, the juice itself is the right color, but I just used apple juice as the base and added food coloring as needed. I poured a thin layer of the apple juice jello into a square Pyrex dish, and then poured the remaining mixture into small kiddush shot glasses in which I had dropped a little food coloring. The hot mixture immediately mixes with the food coloring in the cup, making a color. You can also help it along by stirring with a toothpick. To get the gold, I used Wilton gold sprinkles. To get an opaque color, I added white food coloring.

I had a bit of trouble getting the jelled shot glass mixtures out of the shot glasses. This is the tricky part. You need to flip them out and place them on the jelled base.

If I have time, I will also make thumbprint cookies with the kids using different jams and place them together to make a cookie Choshen.

Update: If you shine a flashlight under the jello Choshen, you can make one of the “stones” light up!

Also, I made cookies with the kids. Just rolled out cookie dough, cut out 1″ circles, and let the kids stick jelly beans in the center and then put them together to make cookie Choshen.

The cookies taste good, and the jelly beans give each cookie a unique flavor (popcorn, watermelon . . . etc.)

In retrospect, it would have been even better to make stained glass cookies (or here and here is Martha Stewart on the topic, and wait, here are more links; and if you are crazy enough to make your own candy center, go here), i.e. make holes in the center of the cookies and add crushed hard candies.

Update two:

I made the stained glass cookies with my kids with the leftover cookie dough.

Close up:

And this:

Previous Parsha Projects:

Parshat Terumah Menorah Pizza

Parshat Yitro (Luchot cake)

Shabbat Shira (cake showing Krias Yam Suf)

Parshat Bo (cake showing Rosh Chodesh and last three makot)


22 Responses to “Parsha Dessert: Tetzaveh”

  1. G6 Says:

    I love this!! Can I post this on my blog (with linkage, of course) for Food Photo Friday?

  2. Rivki Locker (Ordinary Blogger) Says:

    This is so clever. And I love the thumbprint cookie idea too.

  3. Tammy Kruger Says:

    Adorable!! I also make parsha desserts and was gonna get the kids to “glue” onto a chocolate slab those kosher pareve chocolates that look like coloured rocks (they have them in Israel here, not sure about in Chutz Laaretz) using melted chocolate… but your jello looks beautiful, so now I’m tempted to change plans. How did you end of getting the jello out of the shot glasses? Any tricks to recommend as I’ve had negative jello “experiences” in the past 🙂

    • pragmaticattic Says:

      Wow!! What a great idea. I have seen those “rocks,” but they are a little hard to find. I’m thinking jelly beans might be easier to find. The idea of gluing candy to chocolate with melted chocolate is inspired. I think you could also do this idea with cookies instead of filling them with jelly. I want to do a cookie Choshen, too, and now I am thinking about candy filling.

      As for the jello, it was a little tricky to get the jello out of the shot glasses. I used a toothpick to break the suction seal. I’m thinking that it might be easier if I had used a silicone pan (are there silicone mini muffin pans? I know there are silicone mini bar pans and silicone brownie pop pans, which would work).

      Also, I think you need to use a greater ratio of jello to apple juice than for a regular dessert.

      One more thing: I was impatient and only let the jello set up briefly, but I think that you need to give the jello a full hour to make sure it is good and set up.

  4. Shoshana Says:

    This is great, you are so creative!

  5. Rochel @ barefootandcooking Says:

    If you stick the jello mold (in your case the shot glasses) into an inch or so of hot water for just a few seconds, they should pop right out.

    • pragmaticattic Says:

      Thanks, Rachel! Although (sigh), I did try that and it didn’t help so much. I think I was just too impatient and didn’t let the jello set up enough in the first place. I might also have been impatient with the hot water bath thing, too.

  6. Ellie (Almost Bourdain) Says:

    Gorgeous sweets. Never heard of them. Very interesting.

  7. Devorah Says:

    That’s such a nice idea! I love when people bring the parsha alive by getting their kids involved in serving something connected to the parsha each week – amazing!

  8. Tetzavah Stained Glass Cookie Choshen « Pragmatic Attic Says:

    […] Pragmatic Attic A whole lot of this and that . . . . « Parsha Dessert: Tetzaveh […]

  9. Lauren Says:

    How is it that I’ve never heard of the Jello Mold Mistress of Brooklyn until now? I have an old Jell-o cookbook fetish. Something about gelatin absolutely fascinates me. I want to go make some right now and shine a flashlight through it!

  10. Mrs. S. Says:

    Very cute!

  11. Parsha Ki Tisa Pavlova Har Sinai « Pragmatic Attic Says:

    […] Tetzaveh Jello Choshen (plus stained glass […]

  12. Tammy K Says:

    Your choshen looks great. Mine is much lower key….it’s on my site Keep up your ideas and posting them for us!

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